Saturday, November 19, 2011

French Fry Induced Insomnia

So in my last post it seems that I tried to make this about my anger. But I'm a naive and innocent goldfish at heart, so I forgive and forget and just repeat the process when I feel like a retard. So right now it's 1:25 in the morning and ok I'm only really up because my cousins bought me a happy meal for courage. Tomorrow is another exam day, mostly mental whacked questions about major influences on your life and whether or not you like pie for example. I like pie, though no one's ever made me one.

Enough about pie, just a little update maybe today.

So Ducky is large and in charge now a days. But I like it that way, he knows what he's doing, he has goals. While I like watching and reading and mumbling to myself and my imagination. But the nice thing is he's.... I mean we're.... Yeah... How many dot dot dots are you allowed in one line?

I'm normal now to say the least, not as depressed as before, but I sometimes dream of breaking rocks between my dainty little fingers while fires burn in the dead of the night. Either that or dream about boys, or fish, or fish that speak Japanese. Wait, it was a bird. Yeah. The bird was the one that spoke Japanese.

I also write, or at least have imaginary conversations with the people in real life and then change the names and write it down. The most recent numbers show, I have 24 pending stories. Some more suited to the 9-12 section others long psychotic drivel meant to compensate for any other lack of life I may not show.

So now there's the siren breaking the peace of the night, police, ambulance, fire engine, the whole shebang. Wonder who's gonna wake up tomorrow after a sleepless night with their whole life in shambles. At times like this, deep down you're just glad it's not you.

Good day to you gentleman, I retire to my hamburger. May the day be good to you all.

I wonder how long I can keep this up all this interesting writing, all the beginnings I write on the back of my notebooks. How many characters I can flesh out. How many distant lands I can imagine. How many stand alone heroines who finally find the family they dream about. And just how many can I finish and then decide never to share.