Saturday, March 31, 2012

What Happens When the Party's Over?

Well tonight was grad ball. And I am glad to say I looked smashing :). But it has come and gone and I feel content. In a few days I'll experience the increased sadness that will come from graduating high school. I don't know what to feel. But maybe I can find out after writing a bit more about my night.

It was fun, people were there and we loved the food and the place and well the presentations were nice. Everyone was clamoring for a grad pic or a message on their handy dandy CD cases. I really wish I had more than one dance with ex-boyfriend though, I wanted to keep talking. The feel of his hand was different and his voice not what I remembered. His eyes and face had changed. He was not the boy I remembered. But it's good that way, knowing that the boy I knew and broke my heart over doesn't exist anymore. And as soon as I went to find Ducky after that I knew I had what was right for me right there. Ducky is what makes me HAPPY.

I got lots of creative pics :D. So proud of myself. And a friend of mine almost got a seizure from all the flashing lights but over all it was a fun night.

I know what I'm feeling now. I really wanted that night to last longer. But everyone must feel that way. Last moments should always be longer.