Monday, September 17, 2012

Just Kinda Sad Right Now

It's a bit hard being me, compared to other people I've got it easy. I've never starved. I've never lost a limb. I've never been terminally ill. I've never done drugs. I've never been physically abused.

But I've been emotionally and mentally unstable for a long time. It's a self-diagnosis so maybe I'm just depressed. I followed my dream and look where it got me. I just have this weird tendency to keep to myself. I like it that way. It's quiet. You don't have to know how to interact. You don't have to pretend that you're not hungry, that you're not sad, that you're not sick, that you're not really crying.

But it's hard sometimes, my normal behavior isn't "normal". It's not normal to want to just read and be alone in my room. It's not normal to be scared of the dark. It's not normal to have an imagination that plays the absolute worst situation whenever you feel sad. It's not normal to be so moody. It's not normal to have headaches every other day and no amount of aspirin makes them go away.

Man I'm whiny.

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